It costs Meghan to follow a real protocol


Meghan Markle, the new Duchess of Sussex, is struggling to understand some of the royal secrets that she has had to fill since she married Prince Henry two months ago, reports People.

According to a source in the Markle portal do not like some rules and others just do not understand them, for example why Queen Elizabeth II prefers that women wear dresses or skirts instead of pants

"I think you find them a little frustrating, but it's his new life, so he has to face it," says the source.

The exactrix, who describes herself as a feminist in her profile on the real site, made the headlines after a senator tweeted that the Duchess had been happy with the legalization of abortion in Ireland.

The tweet, by Senator Catherine Noone, was finally erased.

"This is an example of his naivety," said the biographer. Robert Lacey, "within the royal family, they speak freely and everyone knows the rules, and learns from the evil that no one can trust outside this narrow circle."

Her husband, Prince Henry, and Queen Elizabeth's counselor, Samantha Cohen, helped her learn the new rules and follow the protocol.

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