It is outrageous how they treat children in the United States – Correo del Orinoco


The president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, described as outrageous how children and children of Latin American immigrants were treated in the United States.

"It's outrageous they treat children in the United States and it's for Latinos, but do not believe that (children) living in the United States give them a certain level of education." There are 43 million poor people, "he said in the program Con el Mazo Dando

In the transmission of Venezolana de Televisión, she referred to the Latin American immigrant children who are subject to trial, although they do not speak English and do not know the legal act to which they are subjected without having at least one institutional character that protects them.

"I am going to pass the videos with great difficulty as children.A boy of 5 years in a court, alone, does not speak English and the judge is irresponsible because he had a heart, if he had justice, he would refuse to make a five-year-old boy who is alone, he would refuse justice ",

He stressed that judges who question children and young people should be judged for hate crimes. "And the irresponsible judge tells him: Do you know what a lawyer is? She makes him appear before a jury and be tried for hate crimes."

The reflection was made by Cabello after seeing the performance of the children of Colectivo Patria Nueva who performed songs of Ali Primera and compare the situation of Latin American infants with that of Venezuelan girls and boys.

"Compare these beautiful girls and boys for their cultural expression of the soul, and say: Here is a revolution and there (in the United States) there is terror, there is fear. ..) Here we ask the love of children, they are above all, this homeland is Venezuelan children, "he said.

Text / Sandra Izarra
photo / With the Deck Dando

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