Iván Duque and King Felipe VI met in Madrid, Spain – Government – Politics


The elected president of Colombia, Iván Duque, held several meetings this Friday during his first day in Madrid. There he met, among others, the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, and King Felipe VI.

"For me, it was a great meeting. We talked about the historical relationship between Spain and Colombia and how we want to strengthen it, "explained Duque after his appointment with the king.

This meeting is held at the Palace of Zarzuela in the late afternoon. They had a cordial conversation, which also involved the Spanish Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell. The monarch received him in the audience hall before going to his office. They talked about bilateral cooperation.

His program in Madrid began with the first Summit of Technological Innovation and Circular Economy at the Marriott Hotel, where he met with the former President of the United States, Barack Obama. "It was a beautiful meeting in which he ratified his appreciation for Colombia and added:" We told him about the security challenges, the economic development and the importance of the bipartisan support of the United States. " conversation with Obama reaffirmed his intention to consolidate a good relationship with this country, a task that was also spent during the week in Washington

I explained what our agenda was and he welcomed the comments we made him did

Duke also held a meeting with Party Leader Citizen Albert Rivera, who recorded it on his Twitter account. "Duque won the battle against populism and now faces a mandate full of challenges. Good luck and success.

On Thursday, Rivera had already expressed his support for Duque at the 11th Atlantic Forum, where he declared that his election was "good news for Colombia", as well as for Latin America and the United States. Europe.

The elected president also met with Pablo Casado, presidential candidate of the People's Party.

After having lunch with the Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, Duque went to the Palace of Moncloa, seat of the central government, where he met the head of the government, Sánchez, very happy with His Majesty King Don Felipe VI, who received us today at the Palace of Zarzuela We shared our program of legality , of entrepreneurship and equity, and have ratified our commitment to Colombia. pic.twitter.com/l0kak3HF4n

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) July 6, 2018 [19659011TheconversationwasfriendlyandrelaxedSánchezwasweetéthat maintains "the strong links that unite the two countries". And Duque called the meeting "very productive".

On Monday, the new president will have an informative breakfast of the Nueva Economía Forum, in which he will be introduced by Vargas Llosa, before leaving Spain.

One of Duque's goals in this trip is to promote Spanish Investment. The relations between Colombia and Spain are very important for the country. Spanish exports amounted to 886 million euros in 2016.

In addition, both EE. UUs like Spain are the countries where more Colombians live and where the largest volume of remittances comes from.

Correspondent of El TIEMPO in Madrid

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