Jaime Munguia Ratifies Before Liam Smith With Victory And Graduation


For Jaime Munguia, it was the toughest, most complicated fight of his career and where he played a lot more than a championship. It was not just about conquering with former world champion Liam Smith. He also had to defeat the skeptics, defeat all those who screamed in the sky when he came out of nowhere as a possible rival of GGG and then Saddam Ali.

And he had it in the best way, against an opponent who came to give the war and resort to all the resources of your best experience to recover the OMB scepter of 154 pounds. From this "dumbbell" came a quarrel, sometimes epic and which allowed to confirm what Munguia is made of. Pure Mexican "race".

This is not an exaggeration. Mexican boxing feeds emotionally on this class of exhibitors: hard, fajadores, who resist blows, who exert asphyxiating pressure, who make blows at any distance and with effort to overcome all their faults. Because Munguia has weaknesses, especially defensive ones. But in this kind of dynamite that weighs in winning major wars, Jaime Munguia seems to have inexhaustible reserves.


The fight began as complicated as we had anticipated. Liam Smith was a suitable rival for this stage of his career, which allowed him to show what he was doing. Something that could not be seen before Saddam Ali.

Smith started the fight using the jab, meanwhile, pushing back and taking advantage of the Mexican confusion over the boxing style to use in his attack. He tried to impose his attitude, but he did not find the distance and he failed a lot. It took Munguia two or three innings to adapt and get used to the type of boxing of his rival, something presumably also in the previous one.

During the first half of the fight, the Brit managed to control the fight and take advantage of the weaknesses of the opponent. Munguia is slow, when she fails she is exposed, in general she does not close well and receives a lot of blows. When you press the rhythm, you become disorganized and lose your balance. In these cases, absorbs a lot of blows, something that seems to make up for everything: assimilate a lot and a rival that has not yet defined, as was the case of the British, does not represent a greater danger.

In the sixth round, there was a fall of Liam Smith, in part, a product of his confidence to go fight for your Mexican. From that moment, I completely change the drawing of the fight. The best Munguia was seen from sixth to ninth. This assault (the ninth) may be among the candidates for the best assault of the year, had epic moments. There, we have seen the Mexican sometimes become a machine to launch blows, to the point of exhaustion and yield the initiative to the rival.

The shot at Smith's middle zone, was the big culprit for Munguia's best attack. Of the 837 shots he fired into the fight, 586 were power shots and of them, 71 went to the body, hard shots to the middle area that destroyed Smith.

The British were meritorious, he shone at the performance of the Mexican of his delivery and his heart. But with that he does not reach a stronger rival and with as much ability to hit.


The Mexican himself in his statements on the ring acknowledged that Liam Smith "I take the green" And he humbly accepted that he needs to acquire experience. He promised to improve his faults for the next fight and that is a point in his favor. To solve problems, you must first agree that they exist.

In your case, the biggest problem is the defense and the second the administration of your train of battle. Defensively Munguía would be reprobate in all subjects. It is slow to block and when it closes, it is a pure imperfection, which adds the slowness with which it does it. It also does not synchronize its movements, remaining, during crucial seconds, totally static when it fails or after a sequence of shots.

His assimilation solves everything, but before a good rival who can be suicidal.

At his battle train, on the other hand, is not a better administration. We saw him weary after putting pressure on one of those moments when he threw away everything he had. Most power strokes, which seek the most to hit, but not all well-directed and effective impacts.

At the end of these sequences, the air shot, was exhausted and sometimes was vulnerable to the impact of the opponent. These problems must necessarily work with the quality of their next rivals and especially punch them, perhaps higher than Liam Smith


Beyond these defects, Jaime Munguia already has several degrees in subjects who passed the exam this Saturday with excellent grades. The lack of stage fright, the power of his typing, the warrior heart, the emotional thrill that few possess in boxing at the top level and above all, the mental maturity that he conveys to his 21 year old.

This young man happened to him in a dizzying way. Everything during this 2018. It has gone from a perspective with a lot of future to a possible rival of GGG, something that has made many cry in the sky. Then came this opportunity from heaven to Saddam Ali and first this defense against a former champion who among his rivals had nothing less than Saul "Canelo" Alvarez.

Few people at his age could so naturally assimilate speed this fate has posed so many challenges in such a short time. He has conquered them and is in the race for great things. He has the humility of one who respects every step, he possesses the natural qualities of the great champions that Mexican boxing has given and ambition in the form of a novice dream that believes in him and does not it does not scare the wars that await him on the road. There is a long way to go, thankfully, and everyone will definitely enjoy this adventure.

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