James Gunn fired from "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" for outrageous messages | Trade | Lights | Cinema


The director James Gunn was dismissed from " Guardians of the Galaxy 3 " after a series of publications in Twitter came out in which he joked on pedophilia and rape.

"Offensive attitudes and messages found on James' Twitter account are indefensible and inconsistent with the values ​​of our study, so we ended our working relationship with him," said Alan Horn, CEO of Walt Disney. statement quoted by "The Hollywood Reporter."

The publications that motivated the dismissal of the filmmaker, known for his sour humor on social networks, were disseminated by conservative sectors . According to Fox News, this was motivated by the criticisms he had made to President Donald Trump.

On the wall of James Gunn There are sentences like this, written 10 years ago: The little children touch me in my parts. "Or this, written 9 years ago:" The best thing about being raped, is when they stop raping you and you say, "Oh, how good is it, they do not rape me anymore. " He also reads: "I just made a joke about anal rape while a friend is sleeping."

In another post, in 2011, James Gunn writes: "I am doing a great Hollywood adaptation of the children's book" The Giving Tree "with a happy ending: l '; tree pushes and makes a blowjob to the child

After the resurgence of the publications, James Gunn publishes a press release These are the words of the filmmaker on the messages that have been published for many years Before He Realizes " Guardians of the Galaxy ":

"Many people who have followed my career since their Beginnings see me as a provocateur, making jokes about taboo topics and controversial. As I have already said publicly, while I flourish as a person, I do my humor and my work.

I am not going to say that I am better now, but I am a very different man from a few years ago. Now, I try to do my job in love and in connection and not so much in anger. Those days when I said things because they are outrageous and I wanted to provoke reactions are over.

In the past, I apologized for my humor that hurts people. I am really sorry and I wanted to say every word of my apologies.

For the record, when I made those outrageous jokes, I did not make these practices a part of my life. I know it's a strange statement to make, and it seems even obvious, but even so, I'm here, I tell you.

For the record, when I made these shocking jokes, I did not live them. I know it's a strange statement to make, and seems obvious, but, again, I'm here, say it.

Anyway, it's quite honest reality: I was doing a lot of offensive jokes. I do not do it anymore. I do not blame my past for that, but now I feel more comfortable and I feel like a human being and a more complete creator. "

Before the announcement of the dismissal by James Gunn his participation in Comic Con San Diego was scheduled to be part of the Sony panel this Friday, but his presence has already been abandoned

  Galaxy Guardians

IN VIDEO: trailer for "Guardians of the Galaxy 2." (Source: YouTube)

Before this Friday's decision, James Gunn advanced the script for " Guardians of the Galaxy 3 ." start later this year in Atlanta to be published in 2020, although the year has not yet been

The "Guardian" films had been very profitable for Marvel. The first raised 773 million internationally. The second, 863 million.

For this reason, James Gunn would continue to work with Marvel in the development of the Cosmic Universe of the study.

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