Jaua will propose the activation of the PSUV Ethics Committee


  Insurgent armed opposition of Jaua
(Photo RunRunes.es)

A party-government relationship that helps the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, to fight against corruption, to improve the effectiveness of public management and to have proposals for concrete solutions to overcome the economic and social situation that Venezuela is experiencing, are part of the proposals of Elías Jaua for the IV Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

In an interview with the newspaper Latest News the Socialist leader recalled that the party must provide ideas in the economic, political, social and international for Maduro to evaluate, take into consideration and assume the relevant.

Read also: Elías Jaua asked the committee of the PSUV to place their messages on order

One of the recommendations that Jaua will take at the IV Congress of the PSUV is the activation of the Committee of Party ethics. Its full functioning, agreed in the six lines of political action of the period 2019-2025, is to exercise, within the framework of the party's ethical principles, monitoring the conduct of all militants who are in the government

. The party should greatly help the ethical and social controller. The party must act as a precaution against corruption and embezzlement of cadres, because the duty of a party is to preserve its cadres on the ethical and political levels, "he said.

about the methods of management of the political organization, Jaua considers that it is necessary – and is a requirement of militancy – "that the collective management bodies really work at all their levels, that the statutory rules are respected around the procedures for naming or removing instance members. from the party, advances in the mechanisms of consultation, debate and, above all, listening to PSUV activists.

According to him, one of the big changes that must produce the fourth party congress is the opening of spaces to debate, listen to militancy, criticism and observations, to promote a policy of promotion of management training.

Jaua considers that in the congress, whose plenary A will be installed at the end of July, will reaffirm what has united the Chavistas since 1998: "the proposal of Commander Hugo Chávez."

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