Johnny Depp returns to take the place that belongs to him "before disappearing without a trace"


español >> Culture-Entertainment

Last updated on 23/07/2018 – 14:19


Johnny Depp – ABC

San Diego, California, 07/23 / 2018 (The People Online) – After months of speculation about the state of health of Johnny Depp, the actor reappeared Saturday night on the San Diego Comic-Con scene, characterized as his character, Gellert Grindelwald, points out ABC

Deep surprised all the participants, not because of their interaction with them, but because of the speech he uttered. "Let's get up and take the place that belongs to us in the world, before disappearing without a trace," he exclaimed.

Saving this moment that left the audience of the comic With something puzzled, the night passed with normality. The anecdote of the cast of the film was performed by Zoe Kravitz, daughter of the musician Lenny Kravitz. When asked what he would use the magic of Harry Potter, he replied, "By rejecting Donald Trump." His co-star Dan Fogler added: "Impeachius Maximus!"

Director Patty Jenkins also made her own assessment. "In the 1980s, humanity saw the best and the worst of what we are capable of, it was wonderful, with good music, but we also revealed our worst side, like the war. Cold and the threat of nuclear annihilation We wanted to reflect that, "he said.

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