Jorge Millán: AN develops a law to recover the oil industry


The statement was made by receiving Professor Ernesto Fronjosa, engineer Antero Alvarado, and economist Orlando Ochoa, experts in the field, who presented recommendations to recover the oil industry.

He explained that the oil industry in Venezuela is in an unimaginable crisis, "today, there are less than one million four hundred thousand barrels of oil a day and it is estimated that 50,000 barrels a day fall because there is damaged equipment. A third of refineries are barely functioning and the storage capacity abroad is reduced by Conoco's request, we have gone from 45 years to 28 in less than a month and it is estimated that this dropping of the exercises assets will continue. "19659002] He said that it is necessary to reach a consensus in the oil field so that, when there is a political change, the recovery can be achieved and serve as a lever for

It is unacceptable – he said – that the conditions prevail, the hungry citizens, without electricity, without water and that allowed our oil industry, which is the one that supports the main income of foreign currency in the country, was destroyed that way.

He explained that there are economists who said that 20 billion dollars a year are needed for 10 years to recover the industry oil. "He There is no point in repairing the damage the government has caused due to the mismanagement and ignorance of those who run PDVSA, "he added.

Millán adds that there must be a direction that knows how to produce oil. it is militarized and lacks knowledge. "We need competent managers who can raise production and not look for hackers who are looking for loot." It is necessary to look for companies in the world that can combine and recover oil production, "he said. said.

The parliamentarian said that a government that instead of preserving the industry for Venezuelans, does the opposite and deliver the concessions to the margins of the Constitution, is acting to the detriment of the country. "This is what they are selling the country," he said.

The legislator stated that in Venezuela there is no oil policy and therefore "we must open the market to have the necessary resources and recover all the damage"

He put in place doubt that Venezuela owns part of the oil due to China, to India, to Russia and that another party uses it for domestic consumption and continues to give oil to some countries "First, he must solve his problems and fundamentally increase his production capacity to increase his income."

He added that what they seek in the National Assembly, is to To develop a law that allows us to recover our oil industry and contribute to the development of the country, as well as allows to take advantage of oil since crude, perhaps, has its days counted as a fundamental energy.

D & On the other hand, Antero Alvarado, who spoke l in part referring to gas, indicated that until the gas does He argued that in Guárico there are two private gas producers and they invest in dollars, but they are paid in bolivars . "They do not have incentive and production can not increase, these contracts need to be revised so that more investors come in. There are a lot of reserves, but if they do not change their political, nothing is done. "

He adds that there are few pipelines in the East, while in the West new infrastructure is needed, but for that It takes a lot of money.The company is not able to do it.What should be done is to see if any private can do it but the present conditions of the country complicates it.

Alvarado said that currently in the country has consumed 2 thousand 600 million cubic feet of gas on the domestic market, the "There is a lot of gas that is not used, it is sold, it is lost due to lack of infrastructure and sound policies, "he acknowledged.

He also indicated that Venezuela did not import no gas from Colombia, did it until 2015, changed the business plan.

He pointed out that the drop in gas production in the northern area of ​​Monagas implies that there is less propane production than that used for the cylinder. The decline in production in Lake Maracaibo affects the domestic gas deficit, PDVSA is responsible for the coverage of this deficit and it is not important, if left to the private sector, the price will be more expensive. [19659002] In this context, Professor Ernesto Fronjosa pointed out that in any company where you plan to make new investments, you must first know the amount of what is needed, what will be used, who will do it and the market where the services or products go and he has enough life to recover those investments.

He pointed out that before considering the recovery of the industry one must see the feasibility because if it is to count the chickens before being born.

For the specialist, any industry has a form of operation: the automobile assembles vehicles, the hotel rents spaces, the oil company explores, produces, refines and sells hydrocarbons. "Beyond that, it's going out of office, that's what PDVSA does, it takes care of a lot of things and neglects the core business, it's why we see the lack of maintenance facilities.This is one of the reasons why it declines, "said Fronjosa.

For its part, the economist Orlando Ochoa has said that PDVSA had produced last year a third of what had been produced in 1997, thus saving the most serious collapse.It is the opening and participation of partners in the 1990s.

He pointed out that between 1998 and 20015 the United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, China and Iran increased their production, while Venezuela lost 25%, PDVSA's output dropped sharply, Mexico lost 26%, but reserves began to decline, Venezuela's reserves increased by 287%, but its production did not increase.

Production of heavy crude oil increased from the first quarter of 2012 from 660 thousand barrels to 450 thousand in the third quarter of 2017, that of crude oil 884 thousand barrels in the first quarter of 2012 to one year ago. million 135 thousand barrels in the fourth quarter of 2013.

He pointed out that the lack of investment, the lack of supply of chemicals such as naphtha, has affected the low oil production. "It's a series of operational and financial failures," he said.

What can be done in the future is to go through a process of economic stabilization. "Venezuela needs a single-digit inflation, a functional exchange rate regime that allows Venezuelan income to rise in real terms and with that we are reorganizing the domestic fuel market, including the market." some gas". he said – thinking that the role of oil in the short term should be to contribute to the economic recovery of Venezuela and that the recovery by stabilizing the exchange rate regime and stabilize prices contributes to the reorganization of the domestic oil market and we can increase the refining capacity. He said that Article 22 of the Organic Hydrocarbons Law should be revised, particularly with regard to how oil is manufactured.

Ochoa said that a plan should be made to expand oil production to 3 million barrels and then 5 million barrels a day. "This must be the goal, if not achieved, Venezuela will be one of the countries that will stop using its crude reserves.It remains 30 years to oil because" they are already looking for alternatives, we should think about the optimization of the energy system, "he said.

Regarding gas, it is important to reorganize this aspect and take advantage of what is lost

He emphasized that the reorganization of the fuel and gas system requires economic stability, covering wages with economic stability.

Developing the oil sector is impossible without macroeconomic stability, Functional exchange rate, adequate tax regime for the oil sector.

Finally the professor said that to finance an ideological project of socialism the resources were extracted from Psvsa beyond wisdom and began the operational decline. ty borrowed and used funding mechanisms based on gross, but it n & # 39; has not been received by the company but by the Republic. This crude oil payment mechanism in the future could be part of the recovery path of PDVSA, the oil sector and economic stability. NP


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