Journal El Periodiquito – Advanced cleaning plan in Rio Turmero


The Governor of the State of Aragua Rodolfo Marco Torres, with representatives of the Municipality of Santiago Mariño, Secretary of the Environment and State Mines, Carmen Cannata and the people's power of the region, has checked the progress of the plan of cleaning the rectification of the channels and water courses flowing on the Turmero river.

The evaluation day of these tasks was located at kilometer 103 of the Central Regional Highway (CRA), La Gallera sector, where the governor noted progress in works that will avoid possible floods during the current rainy season.

"The plan for cleaning rivers and streams, implemented by the national and regional government of the state of Aragua, has reached more than 50 kilometers of tributaries in the state and now we are in this important river of the Municipality of Mariño, thanks to the resources generated by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros ".

Torres pointed out that they will continue to perform these preventive tasks throughout the geography of the state. "We have already cleaned up all the tributaries in the municipality of Linares Alcántara and now it is Turmero River's turn with the maintenance, deconsolidation and rectification of its channel, to accumulate to this day, more 50 kilometers assisted in the state. "

that these works were generated in rivers such as Guey, El Limón and Tuy, among others. "We have this commitment to continue to work for the good life of people.It is the presence of the people's government, with works for the people, for the benefit of those who live in the humble sectors, those who feel the same. needs. "

Finally, he pointed out that the plan for cleaning rivers and water courses of execution of the seven strategic lines established by President Nicolás Maduro Moros." the concretion of the seventh line, the rectification of public services, in the well-being of all equally. We will continue to be deployed in the 18 municipalities, in the 50 parishes, we will continue to build the power of Aragua, "he said.

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