Juan Guaidó: "There is the possibility of recovering Venezuela with all the money that has been stolen"


Juan Guaidó, leader of the Unidad fraction of the National Assembly, informed that they will present the second discussion of "Proceeds of the Assets Corruption Law", for a great opportunity to recover Venezuela through all the money that is They stole.

It contrasts sharply when it is seen that at the Children's Oncological Hospital, 73 neonatal children died between Portuguesa and Monagas, so far this year due to lack of food. When we invest another $ 300 billion in the oil industry and produce the same thing as 50 years ago, said the parliamentarian during his visit to San Cristobal.

He also insisted that they would be reunited, and it is necessary to participate and group all the factors after the departure of some parts of the table of democratic unity.

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