Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin: Shawn Mendes, former model, sends a message after announcing her wedding | video | United States | Shows


Is your friend aware of the message? In the YouTube social network, a fragment of the interview given by the singer Shawn Mendes for an international program was shared. This singer was the ex-partner of the model Hailey Baldwin, the fiance of the Canadian artist Justin Bieber.

During the interview they asked Shawn Mendes about his relationship with the current couple Justin Bieber . He said that they are only friends. He also commented what he did when he discovered that Hailey was going to marry the artist "Sorry"

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Mendes stated the following: "I sent a text message to Hailey Baldwin the next day and I I said "congratulations". That was it. Many imagine that there was more, but it was just that, "confesses the artist, who considers Justin Bieber as one of his main musical influences [19659005] Were they more than friends?

During the conversation, Shawn took a few minutes to clarify the type of relationship that he has with the model. He pointed out that they were always friends, but he did not rule out that there was no romantic relationship during the months that coincided with the United States.

It should be noted that Hailey Baldwin and Mendes were caught kissing the front through the streets of New York. In addition, a curious fact that has attracted the attention of many, is that after these releases, the friend of Kendall Jenner resumed his relationship with Justin Bieber . A few weeks later, they got engaged

Here we share the excerpt from the interview in which the singer talks about the marriage of Hailey Baldwin and Bieber .

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