Keep your brain young and alert with these tips


There is also a decrease in neuronal plasticity that impedes learning, although it may be supplemented by previous experience and resources.

The good news is that this situation can be reversed, according to neurologist Leslie Sherlin: "The more we use the brain, the more we do not return"

Keys to keep the brain active

Conscious diet

It is essential to eat foods rich in healthy fats to nourish mental health. Studies have shown that nutrition is essential to relieve depression and that older people help to improve their mood.

The most recommended foods are green leafy vegetables, fish, beans and nuts because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Overweight and over-normal blood pressure make neural connections difficult. So, eating 30% less than usual leads to a decrease in the generation of free radicals. These molecules affect the production of energy needed and reduce the activity of certain genes destroying neurons.

Therefore, eating less in quantity awakens other genes beneficial to the brain and eating fruits and vegetables helps cells to convert sugars into the energy needed for reflection.

Body shaped

Physical exercise and movement generate increased cerebral blood flow and activation of certain genes that are beneficial to brain health.

Physical activity increases neuroplasticity of the brain to adapt to new experiences. Plus, exercise acts as an antioxidant, keeps the blood vessels healthy and improves overall fitness.

Sport, in the long run, decreases the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Perform more mental activity

Practicing a creative hobby like painting or drawing, but also activities with ceramics, woodworking or sewing, reduces by 45% the probability of a slight brain degeneration.

In addition, activities that awaken the cognitive device are very beneficial, such as analyzing the news of the day, crossword puzzles, chess, reading …

Stress reduction

Respiratory exercises are highly recommended, as are relaxation and meditation techniques. It helps reduce cortisol levels in the blood and limit neuronal losses.


• Being motivated helps us to stay alive.

• It is essential to cultivate interests and relationships to avoid emotional breakdowns.

• Feel useful, strive not to depend on others, help others as much as possible and be grateful for life and everyday life and enjoy more of the little things.

In this way, we will feel young forever!

Source: We


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