KEYS | 12 Things You Should Know About the 2018 Vacational Community Plan


.N .- The Community Vacation Plan 2018, which begins on August 1 and ends on September 15, is an alternative for the recreational and educational leisure activities of children and adolescents of all ages. the country

We offer a list of keys to better understand what the Community Vacation Plan is and what is new for this year:

1 .- The Plan has five areas of action at the national level: recreation, culture, prevention, sport and ecology.

2 .- It is proposed to promote peace as an essential element for the coexistence and well-being of the population, as well as the organization, participation integration family and community.

3 .- There are 30,000 young community reenactors, as well as over 22,000 recreation points across the country, and it is proposed to serve more than 4 million children and adolescents [19659005] 4 .- It is divided into X Community Holiday Plan, IX Juvenile Challenge and VI Youth Camp, each, intended for children and adolescents of specific ages.

5 .- The Community Vacation Plan for children aged 6 to 12 has a program that defines themes for each day of the week. Mondays will be devoted to leisure, Tuesday to sports, Wednesday to ecology, Thursday and Friday to culture. 6 .- For its part, the IX Youth Challenge intended for adolescents, aims, among other things, to help adolescents to be valid interlocutors of their rights and duties in as political and social subjects.

7 .- Their weekly program includes cultural Fridays, ecological sports on Saturdays and Sundays.

8 .- Also Youth Camp VI of the Plan and Youth in the Paths sensitizes young people from 15 to 25 years old, through direct contact with nature.

9 .- In its programming includes Friday, Saturday and Sunday, outdoor activities with camping and dynamics.

10.- While the trekking program will be aimed at young people aged 13 to 17, and includes walks and visits to national parks and natural monuments.

11 .- The activities will last six weeks at the time of 8:00 am. at noon and from 13:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon

12 .- To formalize the registration, interested persons should go to the Communal Council, Clap, seat of the Ministry of the youth. or access the website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

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