Khloé Kardashian: What's the mundane telling her sister to be criticized on Instagram? | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | International shows


Khloé Kardashian returns to create Instagram but this time to not show his figure or a great "look", but called "delayed" his big sister Kourtney Kardashian in a live video and thousands of social network users have criticized him.

Khloe Kardashian was recorded with his sister Kourtney Kardashian showing his exercises in Instagram and apparently had a failure in connecting their cell phones, which has removed the model and used the word "delayed" (delayed) in the worst way.

Kourtney Kardashian "The Game" was followed by Khloé Kardashian the same appellant trying to solve the problem of mobile phone, but the users of Instagram did not like at all, so c Khloe Kardashian had to publicly apologize

Supporters of Twitter pointed out to ] Khloe Kardashian that he should "pay more attention to the She even told him that if his daughter had this disability, she would surely refer differently."

"I'm sorry, I hate this Why did I say? You are absolutely right and the reality is that I can not stand when people use this term.I will do better! Sorry !:( Lots of love for today. 39 "hui" wrote in reply Khloe Kardashian in Twitter.

L The disciples of Khloé Kardashian accepted the excuses of the model, because they argued that it is the right way to ask for forgiveness, because mistakes must be made without excuses and try automatically to improve.

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