Know the benefits of eating fruits at dinner time


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(Caracas, July 10, News24) .- This is one of the issues in the field of nutrition that arouses more controversy. Drinking fruit for dinner always has been questioned because not everyone considers it appropriate, especially if you intend to lose weight .

Pharmacy graduate and food expert Marta Soler said we need to consider two keys when it comes to answering this question.

The first, this fruit is a basic ingredient that should be an essential part of a healthy and balanced diet for any person. The second, that the bioinividualidad, that is to say the particular circumstances of each body, makes the difference .

The fruit, basic pillar of a healthy diet

There is no doubt about the importance of taking fruit Its multiple benefits and its vitamin intake are indisputable. In this way, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking 5 servings a day between fruits and vegetables, spread throughout the day as each considers them more appropriate.

"We can not forget that each organism has its own characteristics and can suffer from specific cases of fructose intolerance or difficult digestion so that everyone knows what time it will be most convenient to consume it, "says the coach.

Similarly, other external factors must also be taken into account, such as falling asleep or working at night, which will modify circadian cycles (biological rhythm) and nutritional requirements. will be very different. 19659005] At Night Energy Consumption Varies

In what Soler emphasizes is that the fruit has the same calories no matter when it is consumed, therefore, the effect that it has. it produces in our body is always the same. Keep in mind that the fruit has a significant amount of sugar in its composition, so that, "if we go to bed early and, for example, we eat several bananas, which is one of the fruit that contains the most carbohydrates, we will not give our bodies the time to consume them but the same goes for pasta, rice or veal steak, "he says.

They will always be much more difficult to digest, since at the end of the day the metabolism slows down and physical activity has been significantly reduced compared to other times, so it will not be able to burn the energy, generating peaks of sugar in the blood that can eventually become fat.However, claim that the fruit, by nature, fatens more at night "is not correct"

Balanced meals throughout the day

"Meal only fruit is an option also valab the only other, but my recommendation is always that all these pieces are distributed more evenly throughout the five meals of the day, "says the expert.

In them, in addition, the three macronutrients should be introduced: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. So, a good example for her on how to introduce fruit to dinner would be through a stewed apple, much easier to digest. Although the addition of an entire room would not be a problem either as part of a balanced diet . The pineapple, watermelon, melon or papaya are excellent options that are very depurative at night.

What is of vital importance to Marta Soler is, in any case, to escape the extremes and the "fad diets", based on the exclusive consumption of fruits with the false promise of losing some pounds in a dubious way in record time with the resulting bounce effect.

According to information from Hi .

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