Know the reasons for aerobic exercise (+ details)


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( Caracas, July 16. News24 ) .- You are determined to start with a healthy lifestyle, a low-fat diet, perform a physical activity constant but still do not choose what kind of activity you want to do.

The aerobic activity or also known as cardiovascular, is the most recommended activity for losing weight and knowing the benefits to your health.

1) You will lose weight and you will eliminate those extra pounds.

2) You will increase your fate, in principle it will be a very heavy activity but later with the passage of days, you will notice the strength in your body. You will not have more viral diseases since this activity will strengthen your immune system.

4) You will be less likely to suffer from chronic diseases and you will reduce the risk of diabetes, hypertension, obesity and many others.

5) Your bones will be much stronger by the tension you apply thereby reducing the suffering of osteoporosis.

There are many advantages to walking, swimming, biking, running, practicing aerobic exercises.

At the information of Health180

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