Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott in their first cover | Fashion and beauty


"A multimillionaire and business mogul with the most electric rapper of the moment." How do they Kylie and Travis ". This is how GQ magazine presents its latest cover. It's the first who plays in one of the most media-friendly couples.

They say that the opposite poles attract and that is the case, at least in terms of exposure. She, as a good member of the clan Kardashian shares her life without any qualms. He prefers, however, to keep his private life. As a result, the couple maintained such a profile.

"I know that Travis does not like to be the center of attention," he explains, "which is why we have always stayed on the brink of public opinion. In fact, if he has to attend an event, I never accompany him. I prefer that he do alone what he has to do. "

But, it seems that in the end, she pulled at his side and asked his son, and father of his daughter, to access this first session attached which is accompanied by a report in which they do not complain about discussing their relationship .

The Beginning of All

Kylie recounted how they began their story.They do not remember their first appointment, but they remember the next one. "Travis had to give a concert to Coachella for his tour, so after our first date he told me that I had to go back on the road and what I wanted to do, because, obviously, we liked him, "he says," I said that I was going with him and I took the bus that started during that the sun was setting and indeed, in the end, I spent the whole tour at his side. "

And it seems like the trip is a constant in their relationship. "I do not mind taking the plane to see him just a few hours, for example, I was just in Houston because we had a little fight and we wanted to fix it. I told anyone, I just needed to see him, solve the problem and come back. "

Curse Kardashian

It is clear that his behavior goes well after Kardashian's curse according to Scott Disick (ex of Kourtney Kardashian ), any man who approaches them has just become an outcast. "I do not think it's a curse, just we are prepared for this level of fame, and most of our partners do not and of course it's hard to fly so close to the sun He recalls, and he assures that it is something that not only happens to his partners, but also to his friends, because having so much exposure generates a lot of money. " admirers but also detractors, and dealing with this problem is not always easy … is ready to keep pace with her daughter.That's why she has not hesitated to submit to 23 questions that & # 39; She asked to know where they know.

For the record, this is not the only cover that Kylie is starring these days. It can also be seen at Forbes as the youngest businesswoman in history to have amassed a fortune of nearly a billion dollars.

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