Laidy Gómez reported that antiretrovirals and reagents have arrived in Táchira


The president of the region pointed out that he was still lacking supplies to treat 22 pediatric patients enrolled in the program.

Gómez pointed out that young students with the virus call, beg and ask him not to leave them to prolong their lives. , graduate and provide their capacity to the country, and asked the Ministry of Health to have equal consideration with children who suffer from the same pathology.

The governor said that the necessary reagents have also arrived to activate the blood bank of the San Cristobal Central Hospital.

"Patients will have use of blood products and blood concentrates without paying for serology," said Luis Ramírez

Laidy Gómez also denounced that border municipalities lack water for 21 days, and pointed out that whenever there are more vehicles kennels that endanger the safety of citizens Tachiren.

Read more in Tachira Governorate

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