Learn more about the benefits of eating almonds, especially in the summer


Photo: Informe21

(Caracas, July 12, News24) – Many times we think of everything we need to take care of our skin in the summer, we buy creams, sun creams , moisturizers and thousands of things ready for this time. But what would happen if we told you that you can find some great benefits in a food? That's right, we're talking about almonds.

In addition to the benefits you probably already know, almonds so well known that they make them the ideal food for this time of year

1. Act as a natural blocker for your skin

It's the time when we expose ourselves to the sun most, so it's important to protect it from the outside and feed the cells to the skin. inside. The best thing is to consume about 25 pieces a day, because they provide us with more than half of what we need vitamin E help produce collagen to improve its elasticity and, in addition, protect and nourish the Cells integrity against damage such as prolonged exposure to the sun.

2. They provide antioxidants

Almonds are a source of protein, fiber, vitamin E (antioxidant) and healthy fats (unsaturated), so that they act as natural protectors to support body tissues in their repair. In addition, they promote the body's cells and skin through the effect of these antioxidants.

3. Help Digestive Health

When we travel is very common to treat constipation or digestive discomfort by changing routines and types of food, the specialist recommends eating almonds, they contain fiber for your digestive health. They are easy to carry, versatile and provide the immune system with many defenses to prevent disease at an age that is pleasurable.

4. They give you a feeling of fullness

In addition to protecting your digestive health, they are a great snack to avoid prolonged fasts or unhealthy foods. The recommended ration is 25 almonds a day, which provides 6 g of protein. This, in addition to other key nutrients, benefits the body's organs such as the digestive system, muscles, bones, brain and skin.

Almonds are very versatile to incorporate into a usual food plan … if the tastes are sweet, you can include them in desserts such as pancakes, gelatins rice pudding or add them to yogurt with fruits or smoothies. If your tastes are more salty, you can increase the nutritional value of a salad, accompany a sandwich or eat alone as a healthy snack. So, enjoy the summer!

At the information of Informe21

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