Learn the exercises to eliminate cellulite with less than 10 minutes a day


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( Caracas, July 16. News24 ) .- When cellulite appears on the legs, buttocks and more parts of the body, we think, goodbye bikinis and tight clothes !, we are overcome by the fear that our skin is no longer the same, but calm all is not lost, changes in food, beauty routines and these exercises we will introduce, will help us eliminate the call, "orange peel".

Let's go cycling, but lying down: The recumbent bike routine is ideal for eliminating cellulite in the legs, at the same time as it strengthens and tones the abdomen, as it eliminates greasy nodules and improves circulation [19659004] Let's start to jump: The jump rope is a great option for aerobic exercise, it helps to improve lymphatic blood circulation and helps reduce body fat and cellulite.

Stage: The stage is an aerobic exercise exercise that involves performing a routine with movements to descend and climb a platform or a walk. This exercise is perfect for toning the buttocks, legs and hips, allowing us to eliminate cellulite in this area.

With this exercise routine, you can alternate and dedicate less than 10 minutes a day, this accompanied by a change in the diet not only eliminate cellulite, but also lose weight and tone the body.

Based on information from Salud180

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