LeBron's presence in Hollywood would increase with the move to LA


"Space Jam 2"? A new "party at home"? With LeBron James' leadership, anything is possible.

Now that James is moving from Cleveland to Los Angeles to bring the Lakers to more championships with a $ 154 million contract, he could also produce thriving projects like these two titles from the '90s and move on from one year to the next. partial presence to be a full-time player in Hollywood.

James has not yet talked about his plans for Los Angeles, but if he wanted to, he has already shown that he could act and not just "good for an athlete". His only real film role, like himself in Judd Apatow's film "Trainwreck", won him big awards in 2015. Lindsey Bahr, AP film critic, described this comedy revelation Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post as saying that she showed perfect timing for simulated humor.

And his casting partners are in agreement.

"It was really good, as for everything, it was very natural," said actor Bill Hader, who starred in James with James as his friend. had already played before when James appeared as the guest host of "Saturday Night Live". "I know actors who do not listen, they just wait to say their lines. He always listens. "

Hader said that in" Trainwreck "there was a lot of improvisation and LeBron was able to follow professional comedians like him.

" He was still very confident, but without being too arrogant, " said Hader laughing in a phone interview with the PA in Toronto, where he turns "It 2". "I remember Chris Rock was on the set and he recited a suggestion dialogue for LeBron, and LeBron repeated it word for word during the scene. I remember thinking, "I can not do that."

James is not the first Lakers who played in the acting game. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Shaquille O-Neal had famous (and infamous) roles, and Kobe Bryant ended up winning an Oscar for an animation-based short film based on a basketball poem that was made in the United States. ;he wrote.

Whether he appears on the screen or not, James has already embarked on an important media career that could only reach new heights in Los Angeles.

James and his business partner Maverick Carter have a production company, SpringHill Entertainment, and an agreement with Warner Bros. with office spaces in the iconic lot of the movie company.

"Proximity will certainly make Lebron an integral part of future projects," said David Schwab, Executive Vice President at Octagon, a sports and entertainment marketing and management firm. "The advantage of a market like New York, Los Angeles and Golden State (California) is the ability to go out for coffee, lunch or dinner every day. Is not these constant opportunities. "

Schwab stated that James' partners at Warner Bros. and elsewhere are probably" excited that it is in Los Angeles because they could use Lebron personally to make deals. " with future partners. "

James, via SpringHill and his Uninterrupted digital cinema company, has already acquired projects for film and television, and many others are cooking. Here are some of the highlights.

_ "Space Jam 2". James' idea of ​​relaunching the 1996 film starring the other best basketball candidate of all time, Michael Jordan, has been circulating for several years. The film, in which Jordan wrestles with animated aliens with Bugs Bunny and his friends from Warner Bros., had mixed reviews at the time, but has become a cult classic. Justin Lin, from the movie "Fast & Furious", was mentioned as a director.

_ "Party at home". Stephen Glover and Jamal Olori of "Atlanta" write a screenplay with James and SpringHill hoping to revive the franchise starring the hip-hop Kid's Play duo that spawned three movie sequels between 1990 and 1994. [19659002] _ "Smallfoot" James will have another chance to flaunt his humorous gifts as the voice of a skeptical yeti in this animated Warner Bros. movie.

_ "Now we are talking." The series of uninterrupted digital comedies with two professional American football players converted into advertisers and frequent cameos by well-known athletes is about to enter its second season.

_ SpringHill also produces television projects that include the "The Wall" and "Do or Dare" contest programs as well as "Rise Up", a documentary on the civil rights movement for The History Channel

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