Lenin Moreno asks the British government to guarantee the life of Julian Assange


President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno informed this Friday, July 27 that his government is talking "permanently" with the British authorities to resolve the situation of the founder of the platform of fuit WikiLeaks the Australian Julian Assange and asks the assurance that his life "will not be in danger".

Assange, who obtained the Ecuadorian nationality in 2017, is required by the US justice and remains refugee in the Embassy of Ecuador in London since 2012.

In an information meeting in Madrid Moreno stated that it is an issue that is also dealt with by legal advisers of Assange. According to Moreno, "it is even up to human rights for a person to stay too long in isolation."

In reference to Assange, he says, however, that it "never" accepted the fact that imply private couriers to obtain and disseminate information as valuable as it is, on some "undesirable" acts of governments

He recalls that the situation of Assange is a "inherited from the previous Ecuadorian government – led by Rafael Correa – and who considered his life "in danger".

"In Ecuador there was no death sentence and we know that this possibility existed," he argued. "That's why we, the only thing we want, is the guarantee of that his life will not be in danger ," he said

. ] of this case in his visit this week to United Kingdom he replied: "We have spoken, we are constantly talking to the British government, with the ambassador who is his representative in Ecuador. "

" With the only person I have ever spoken to is Mr. Assange, "he added.

He acknowledged that it is a situation that can not last forever, but the " exit " In this case, they must "speak", because the dialogue is the "better understanding mechanism and of understanding ".

by EFE

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asylum, Ecuador, Embassy of Ecuador, guarantees, British Government, Julian Assange, Lenin Moreno, Madrid, Death Penalty, Rafael Correa, Wikileaks

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