List of Guardians of the Galaxy pronounced on James Gunn


The dismissal of James Gunn in full development of the third Guardians of the Galaxy was a surprise to those who collaborated with the director in the first two Disney movies.

Dave Bautista and Sean Gunn – brother of the filmmaker – showed their support for Gunn, and it is now Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Karen Gillian who spoke about the departure of the filmmaker

Pratt, Star performer Lord in The Saga, addressed the subject on Twitter by quoting the Bible. Specifically, the actor called on the Epistle of James, chapter 1, verse 19 to refer to the situation: "My dear brothers, keep this in mind: Everyone should be ready to listen and be slow to get angry. 19659004] Saldana, Gomora in the movies, was cautious in his words and used the same social network as his co-star to solve the problem. "It was a tough weekend, I stopped to think before talking hot, I want everyone to know that I love all the members of my family of" Guardians of the Galaxy. "I will always do it." [19659004D'autrepartKarenGillians'estexpriméedelamêmemanièreL'actricequijoueNebulaaécrit"L'amourpourchacundesmembresde'GuardiansoftheGalaxy'"Puisilaajoutéunautretweetdisant"Justepourêtreclair:j'enparleraiplustardmaisjevoulaisquecelasoitconnul'amourpourtous"

Pom Klementieff – Mantis in production – posted a video where he wrote a note: "We are Groot, we are a family, we are together."

James Gunn was disengaged by Disney after tweets appeared in which the director joked about pedophilia and rape, made between 2009 and 2012

"Offensive attitudes and comments discovered on Twitter from James are indefensible and inconsistent with the values ​​of our studies and we broke our business relationship with him, "said Disney's chairman Alan Horn in a statement. by the US media

Gunn told the Hollywood Reporter that he regretted what had happened and that he had assumed his mistake by the comments made.

A group of fans of the saga lent their support to the filmmaker, they began a request for Disney to rehire the director for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3"

The challenge is to collect 200,000 signatures and currently, they are a little over 190,000. "I agree with a lot, including Gunn himself who explains that these are horrible jokes without grace, but even jokes he was trying to no reasoning or defending anything, it was just a bad attempt to be funny ". creator of the support campaign