Lobster dinner of Mariela Castro with Pastora Soler in Havana


Mariela Castro, the most media-friendly girl of former Cuban ruler Raúl Castro, returns to the news after appearing with Spanish singer Pastora Soler eating lobster, a dish that few Cubans can buy in a country whose the average monthly salary is $ 30, as indicated on the Cybercuba portal.

Among the guests was the transsexual deputy of Carla Antonelli, a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party.

Soler and Antonelli are both in Cuba for an event sponsored by the National Center for Sex Education (Cenesex), organized by the daughter of the former president.

The gala, titled "Canto a la Vida", aims to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Cenesex and to make visible the situation of the Cuban LGBTI community, which could, in the coming months, conquer one of its most coveted rights: the constitutional approval of equal marriage.

Manuel Vázquez Seijido, deputy director of Cenesex, described the independent portal's note as "stupidity" and "bad milk".

Vazquez, who also attended the chosen dinner, lamented that the presence of Soler or Antonelli was not enough for the press. Instead, they used the photo of Mariela Castro eating lobster, which he says is "not your favorite food".

"[Castro] He had the sensitivity needed to meet the invitation of our friends Ydalgo Martínez and Julio Vicente to receive the two guests, "explained Vázquez in a publication on Facebook.

The photo in question was shared by one of the hosts, along with other cliches of the dinner, but was later removed from Facebook.

"What a pity and in the meantime, most citizens live the work and hunger," wrote an indignant user after the publication of this publication.

"EThey eat lobster and the children go to school without even drinking a glass of milk, this dictatorship is making more and more fun every day of the Cuban population, "wrote another user on the Internet.

The director of Cenesex is the most media figure of the Castro family after her uncle Fidel and his father Raul, who has been in power for six decades.

Mariela Castro declared that she was not interested in politics, but that she was a member of the National Assembly of People's Power and that her presence is common in political forums and in politics. national television.

In the past, Castro had created controversy after describing a Spanish journalist who had tried to interview him as a "dirty snot" or when he had criticized exiled singer Gloria Estefan, claiming that she did not have "sandunga".

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