López Obrador asks to conclude the negotiations; Free Trade Agreement



By letter, the virtual elected president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, urged the president of United States Donald Trump to conclude the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

In the letter, sent by Mike Pompeo US Secretary of State Lopez Obrador warned Trump that prolonging uncertainty could stop medium and long term investments, and hinder the Mexico's economic growth.

The document, read yesterday by Marcelo Ebrard, appointed as future Secretary of Foreign Affairs, also points out that the recovery The transition team is participating in the negotiations, in coordination with officials of the current Mexican government.

In the letter, he undertakes to contain the migration with the implementation of productive projects such as the construction of a railway line for a high-speed train on the road Cancún-Tulum-Bacalar -Calakmul-Palenque and planting one million trees. the South-East.

Trump invited to renegotiate the ALE

López Obrador warns that prolonging the uncertainty could stop investments and hinder the growth of the country

The virtual elected president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador urged the President of the United States, Donald Trump to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement. American with Canada (NAFTA) warning that an extension of uncertainty could dampen medium and long-term investments, hinder Mexico's economic growth and its government strategy to create jobs and better living conditions for Mexicans.

Letter sent to him by the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo and read by Marcelo Ebrard, appointed by the virtual president-elect as secretary of external relations For the next government, Lopez Obrador is engaged with Trump to curb migration to the United States by delivering productive projects and creating jobs in Mexico's cities and communities.

He explained that the new nation project that will lead to the practice is to ban corruption, abolish impunity, act with austerity and affect everything that is saved to finance the development of the country. As an example, he informed him that one million hectares of fruit and timber trees will be planted in the southeastern part of the country, with the aim of restore the environment and create 400,000 jobs.


He also informed that, in addition, he will build a railway line for a high-speed train that will travel along the road Cancún-Tulum-Bacalar-Calakmul-Palenque ; It will create an economic and commercial corridor in the isthmus of Tehuantepec, which includes a railway and the widening of the Salina Cruz-Oaxaca road, to facilitate the transport of goods between Asia and the east coast of the United States.

that the oil, gas, water, wind and electricity of the region will be used and that factories will be installed to assemble the parts and manufacture manufacturing articles. "All this stretch of the isthmus will become a free or open area, as it goes without saying, this project will be achieved without undermining our national sovereignty and will be promoted with the participation of the public, private and social sectors."

He explained that the environmental impacts will be taken into account and will not exceed the rights of settlers or landowners; on the contrary, they will be taken into account, consulted and incorporated as a substantial part of the project.

He informed him, among other things, that a free or open area will also be created at the northern border with the US to promote investment, development productive and technological and the creation of jobs.

Finally, he informs her that there will be many changes and is certain to be able to reach agreements and to confront together the migratory phenomenon and the insecurity of cooperation for development and under the pretext that peace and tranquility are fruits of justice.

He confirmed his belief that the phenomenon of migration must be dealt with with a comprehensive plan involving the countries of Central America.

López Obrador expects Trump to respond to his proposals in the coming days.

Compliance; The letter is released

After the letter was handed over to the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, López Obrador informed him that he would keep the secret on the fact and the contents of the letter, even though it was received by Trump.

But he also told her that as soon as he would have received a recognition from Trump, he would make the document public, so that Mexicans know his government's position on the new relationship that wants to establish with the EU . Yesterday he did it.

Now, López Obrador and the next SRE leader, Marcelo Ebrard, are waiting for Trump to respond to the letter in the coming days.

– From the Editorial Board


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