López Obrador proposes a Trump migration project | news


President elected from Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed to his counterpart at United States ( USA ), Donald Trump a plan to address "integrally and substantively" migration and "make it economically useless."

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The next Aztec chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard reported this Sunday that July 12 López Obrador sent him a letter to Trump with the project that implies that Mexico United States and the countries of Central America such as Honduras , El Salvador and Guatemala – which represent the largest number of migrations to the North American country – contribute in a differentiated way to the resources, to the extent of their economic possibilities.

75% of these collections To finance the development of the region through anti-poverty projects, the remaining 25% would go to border control and security.

"My Government is ready to present to the Congress of the Union, a budget initiative to contribute with economic resources and own experience in this joint effort," says the letter.

"If we participate in this plan United States Mexico, and we include the countries of Central America, we can muster a considerable amount of resources for the development of the region in this way we would approach the causes that cause the migratory phenomenon ", he proposes

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The letter read by Ebrard at a press conference given with López Obrador in the country house of the presidential candidate, says that "prolonging uncertainty could curb investment in the medium and long term , which obviously hampers economic growth in 1949. "59003] Mexico and, therefore, the government's strategy that I will lead."

The proposal calls for the establishment of 39, a new bilateral relationship based on on four specific points of understanding and mutual respect:

  • Actions to employ people at the borders
  • Doubling of the minimum wage in border areas.
  • Decrease the value-added tax (VAT) to 20%
  • Move customs to the southern border 20 to 30 kilometers inland

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Up to now, there has been no response from Trump to the letter. Ebrard said that the team of López Obrador is waiting for an answer in the coming days.

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