Lufthansa Announces Blockchain Challenge for Aviation from SAP | CryptoNews


With regard to Lufthansa's alliance with SAP, Tritus pointed out that the association of two multinationals with a strong culture of innovation offers the best possible framework for attracting talent to the company. 39, worldwide.

Deepak Krishnamurthy, Strategy Director and Executive Vice President of SAP, noted that the participants will compete in three categories on which solutions should be concentrated. These include user-centric ideas, with the goal of providing an optimal travel experience for travelers; the relationship with the airline, where it will evaluate operations-oriented projects; and, lastly, proposals focused on maintenance and the supply chain in aviation.

According to the schedule published on the competition website, it is stated that interested teams will have until August 31 to present your ideas . The selected projects will go through a mentoring phase with experts from SAP and Lufthansa.

The winning idea could become a pilot project of Lufthansa Group and the team would have up to 3 months to work on its development in the Berlin ecosystem (Germany). In addition, they will be able to access SAP's Blockchain-as-a-Service platform to build or improve their project.

Already since 2017, possible applications of blockchain technology in the aeronautics industry have been discussed. At the end of last year, the consultant Accenture said in an article that areas such as maintenance, ticketing and security would be likely to be optimized by a chain of blocks.

apply blockchain technology for the tracking of aircraft spare parts. More recently, it has become known that companies specializing in security controls and supply chains in the aviation industry, such as Moog, Rolls Royce, Saber and Air Bus, study the application of the chain of blocks in the supply chains. Featured by sdecoret /

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