Luis Florido's discussion with Tamara Suju on Twitter


Luis Florido, member of the National Assembly (NA), questioned a publication by human rights lawyer Tamara Suju, in which she claimed to be in favor of a "humanitarian intervention"

. The perpetrators of "will be sentenced to the International Criminal Court", then the "What are you doing in Holland?" Now the military exit with foreign intervention. We are already big kids for lies, right? "It's easy to be irresponsible from NYC or Prague," Florio said on Twitter.

Suju responded to the deputy claiming that he openly supported humanitarian intervention and, furthermore, accused the opposition leader of giving oxygen to the narco-tyranny . Dialogue process realized in the Dominican Republic.

"Wow, Miren who came to pick me up and did not show me! Luis Florido was the one who grew his nose while oxygenating Narco-Tiranía while traveling without a passport to the Dominican Republic .The question would be & mldr; you sent your criminal cousins? I do not hide myself! "replied the lawyer.

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