Luka Modric: The Croatian player's shirt is the most sold by Real Madrid fans


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Despite the fact that the 2018 World Cup Russia ended four days ago, the repercussions of this situation continue to be expressed. This is the case of Luka Modric, who after his extraordinary World Cup is the player who sells the most jerseys to Real Madrid.

The Croatian captain was chosen as the best Russian player 2018 by winning the gold ball of this contest. For this reason, fans of Madrid packed the club's stores in search of the shirt of Luka Modric

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This information was broadcast by the newspaper of the city of Madrid, As . The affection for the Croatian player by Real Madrid fans is not something new, since in previous seasons he was one of the most requested in terms of jerseys by white fans .

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One of the reasons for this take-off from Croatia is the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus ] the Portuguese broke record sales of shirts and subscriptions for the current season with the box 'Bianconeri & # 39;


Luka Modric continues on vacation after being in second place in the 2018 Russia World Cup and in the coming days will be added to the pre-season of Real Madrid.

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