Lula acquitted in one of his six lawsuits in progress


Sao Paulo, Brazil.- Former President of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was acquitted on Thursday in one of his six pending cases, in addition to corruption and money laundering. 39, which he has purged since April. 12 years and one month in prison

The decision rendered by a judge in Brasilia frees the former president of the left, 72 years old, of guilt and charges in a case of obstruction presumed to justice Lula was accused in 2016 of attempting to buy the silence of the former director of the state-owned company Petrobras Nestor Cerveró, who had signed an agreement to collaboration with the judiciary in the context of the Lava Jato anti-corruption mega-operation. 19659003] Federal Judge Ricardo Leite's decision highlights the lack of sufficient evidence to support the complaint, based primarily on the informants' testimony.

"There are many possibilities and circumstances on what really" The ex-president (2003-2010) is declared innocent of all charges against him and regards them as a "conspiracy" that seeks to Away from his attempt to return to power in the October Elections

Prisoner at the federal police headquarters in Curitiba, in the south of the country, Lula continues to conduct polls with 30 % of voting intentions, although the electoral legislation should invalidate his possible candidacy. 19659004] After the decision, the defense salutes the decision and notes that "it proves even more the illegitimacy of the decisions which condemned it" previously in the case where it is accused passive bribery and money laundering, for receiving an apartment from the builder of the OAS in exchange for support in negotiations with Petrobras.

The conviction, made at first instance by the judge of Curitiba Sérgio Moro, and confirmed by a court of law in one case, he is questioned by defense lawyers who consider him biased.

"While the judge of Brasilia, impartially, denies the probative value of the allegation granted for lack of evidence to corroborate, the judge of Curitiba absolute value of the testimony of an informant informant to convict Lula ", said the defense lawyer Cristiano Zanin Martins

The leader of the Party of Left Workers (PT) responds to other charges of passive bribery, money laundering, trafficking Influence and organization to commit crimes in five cases that are in the hands of the courts of Brasilia and Paraná (whose capital is Curitiba).

Lula's lawyers set up a legal battle so that the former president could wait for the results of appeals to the country's highest courts.

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