Lula could "stand aside" from the presidential race if he is not released


It is likely that the former President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva nominated another candidate for presidential elections in October in case he would be banned from run, he said. interview a member of the Workers Party.

On August 15, Lula will be officially registered as a candidate and his party will continue to seek his release from prison in court, Wadih Damous, a member of the Lower House, said Wednesday.

However, the exmandatario who complies with a 12-year sentence for corruption will probably adopt a new strategy if the electoral authorities reject his presidential candidacy .

"President Lula has never been a man prone to radical ruptures, he was still a negotiator," explained Damous, so if attempts to free him fail " it is likely he will indicate another name . "

Lula conducts opinion polls for the presidential elections next October, but he will probably not be allowed to present himself since the Brazilian law prohibits the candidatures of convicts by a court of call.

Without Lula, the presidency of Brazil is at stake among a series of candidates in what is already considered one of the most unpredictable elections since the country's return to democracy.

Since the incarceration of the former president in April, his lawyers and allies have asked that he remain at liberty until the Supreme Court of Brazil rules on all appeals, a process that could take years.

of these demands, signed by Damous, found a full judge who ordered the release of Lula on Sunday. His decision was later quashed after a legal battle, but increased hopes among allies that the ex-president could get out of jail in time for the election.

Until Sunday, Lula's freedom was "inconceivable", but now seems to be at hand said Damous, who is also a lawyer.

The defense of the former president will take further action in the coming days, he added. "We will continue to insist until it is clear that the judiciary has thrown the Constitution in the trash."

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