Lula will return privatization when he returns to the presidency


The incarcerated former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, promised Friday to block or cancel the privatizations in Brazil he resumed his post from 2003 to 2010. It is very likely that the electoral court will forbid him to stand for election. October, but his claims are considered the program of the Workers Party, to which he belongs

In an article published in the newspaper Correio Braziliense the former leftist leader declared that it would reverse the ongoing privatization process. of electric parastatal Eletrobras. He also criticized politicians who say that it is necessary to sell the oil giant Petrobras.

Unpopular President Michel Temer continued his plans to sell Eletrobras, and several members of his government believe that Petrobras should be privatized. Lula also criticized Temer's decision to allow a commercial alliance that gives Boeing control of Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer

The former president has promised to suspend this measure. Lula conducts the polls despite being found guilty of bribery and money laundering. He can still appeal the decision, which he considers to be a political persecution. "I have the historic obligation, whatever my personal circumstances, to lead our country to a meeting with democracy and sovereignty, with a clear commitment to repeal, by a popular referendum, any measure that undermines our independence.

The Brazilian press reported that Fernando Haddad former mayor of Sao Paulo, is the favorite of the Workers' Party to replace Lula as a candidate if the l. Former president is banned from running.Elections in Brazil will take place on October 7.

Ciro Gomes another presidential candidate of the left, is considered a possible heir to Lula's votes even He is a member of another party, and he promised a few weeks ago to fight privatization.In a letter to Boeing, Gomes said it was "a serious inconvenience" for Embraer to be acquired 100 days before the Brazilian presidential election.

Earlier this week, the state electricity company in the state of Piaui was sold in what was considered the beginning of the privatization process of Eletrobras. Temer government members say the measure is needed for Brazil to reduce its budget deficit and boost its private sector, while critics believe that the sale of Eletrobras will give the country water to foreign companies . Hydropower plants are the main source of energy in the South American country.

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