Lula's party begins offensive in the streets of Brazil to claim their freedom | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Workers Party (PT), led by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, imprisoned for corruption, today launched a protest campaign in the main cities of Brazil to demand the release of the former Brazilian President and defend his candidacy for elections October

The demonstrations on this Friday, with limited follow-up, constitute an agenda of mobilizations and events that will last until August 15, when the candidate of the former president will be registered in Brasilia, despite being virtually handicapped.

"The fear that the powerful feel is not for me, Lula, but to listen to the opinion of the Brazilians in free elections, it is the Brazilian people who needs to recover his democratic freedom! "said Monday the ex-governor. message sent from the cell of the police headquarters in the city of Curitiba where he has been detained since 7 April.

The PT chairman, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann, said today in an act in the state of Paraíba (northeast), that "despite being imprisoned for nearly 100 days, Lula continues to conduct all voting intention polls ", which means that" the population wants to vote for you ".

The formation decided to reinforce its presence in the streets after the "legal circus" lived last Sunday among the judges for the possible release of Lula, who is serving a sentence of twelve years and one month of imprisonment for passive corruption and money laundering of money

One of the protests, of a few dozen people, took place in Porto Alegre, near the Federal Regional Court of the Fourth Region (TRF4, second instance), protagonist of judicial confusion around Lula's situation this lasted about 10 hours.

TRF4 custody judge, Rogério Favreto, granted a "habeas corpus" to the former trade unionist and determined his "immediate" release
This decision was questioned by Judge Sergio Moro, who sentenced Lula in first instance, and dismissed by the case's investigator in the court of second instance, Joao Gebran Neto.

However, Favreto insisted again with the release, which then denied TRF4 president, Carlos Thompson Flores.

"The discomfort with the possibility that I'm being released is because they know that they've jailed me with lies, they're nervous because they have guilt in their conscience, "said the ex-president in reference to a politico-judicial plot allegedly in prison and avoid his candidacy for elections.

In January, this court was the one that unanimously extended the sentence of 9 years and 6 months imposed on Lula by Judge Moro, in charge of the Petrobras case in first instance and the target of the most severe critics of the PT
The thesis of an alleged conspiracy at all levels against the former head of state (2003-2010) was supported by the leadership of the PT, which insists on the candidacy of 39, a Lula practically disqualified.

Brazil's electoral law expressly prohibits convictions in the second instance, as it is, from seeking an elective office, although it is not formally barred before the Supreme Electoral Tribunal pronounces on the case, which will only happen from August 15th.

Favreto's attempt to free Lula was criticized by the president of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ, third instance) of Brazil, Laurita Vaz, who rejected Wednesday in block 143 claims demanding the release of # 39; former sovereign.

Still, the PT resumed hope after the acquittal of its supreme leader on the eve of one of the seven criminal cases he faces in court, most of them being suspected of corruption.

"Lula is now the only candidate and the only person able to get the country out of the crisis and lead Brazil towards national pacification," Hoffmann said.
In the coming days, acts similar to those of today in Curitiba, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro will be repeated, the latter will host on July 28 a music festival in favor of the city. former president with artists such as Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil.

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