Maduro: Bolívar Soberano will have a trading and exchange base anchored at El Petro


ÚN .- According to the press release, on Wednesday, at the announcement of the launch of the economic stimulus and growth program, the Miraflores Palace, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros , explained that this mechanism envisages the economic reconversion monetary which will begin August 20 with the circulation of Sovereign Bolivar, new monetary cone which will have a modality of anchoring to the Venezuelan cryptocurrency, El Petro.

The First National President, accompanied by the Petroleum Minister and President of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA), Manuel Quevedo, and members of the government team, stressed that the objective of this new system aims to stabilize and change the monetary and financial life of the country of

"The reconversion will have two fundamental components: the change of the currency cone and the reduction of five zeros to the zolana currency through the Sovereign Bolivar with a base of Exchange and exchange based on El Petro . "

Similarly, the head of state reported on the approval of the proposal made by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) and the economic team of the Bolivarian government to deliver, through PDVSA, a full block of certified oil reserves to this financial institution

In this sense, Maduro explained that "c & # 39, is the Ayacucho block 2 of the waist Orinoco Hugo oil company Chávez, consisting of 29 298 million barrels of oil certified to deliver them as part of the support for the issuance of financial assets and as part of the reserves of BCV for the purpose. financial year of the country's leading banking institution. "

The head of state cataloged this decision as" a historic step; Now, BCV will manage and deliver the necessary and sufficient financial documents to strengthen its ability to pay, strengthen international reserves and its financial weight, "he said.

Moreover, the President of the Republic reiterated the importance of productive national economic model beyond the hydrocarbon sector. "The model of oil-dependent rentiers has come to an end and will not return.Venezuela must continue to make great efforts to build a new productive, diversified economic model, relevant in technology and advanced in every way of its integration. continue to be the way of recovery. "

In this regard, he pointed out that Venezuela suffered a blow with the depression of oil prices and with the infiltration of PDVSA by the mafia and corrupt sectors directed from abroad. 19659002] "They hurt the industry and left it in a state of prostration that we are already going over and that we are going ahead thanks to the working class. We are going to a new PDVSA, healthy and honest, nationalistic and patriotic, and above all very productive, we are already seeing it on the immediate horizon. "

On the other hand, President Maduro informed that he sent to the Plenipotentiary National Constituent Assembly, a draft law on illicit exchange rates that encourages foreign currency investment and determines

Similarly, the national president signed a decree in which one year exempts import taxes on all equipment goods such as spare parts, machinery, supplies, agricultural inputs and raw materials, among others.

He ordered the completion of a census of the entire car fleet of the country, private and public, based on the Carnet de la Patria. step towards the new policy support and subsidy for transportation in general

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