Maduro called for a health revolution


Miguel Rodriguez .- President Nicolás Maduro yesterday invited all professionals and health workers to "a revolution in the revolution to build an integrated system that serves people at the level of health, it is the Call I just made you, is the convocation in conscience. "
At the graduation ceremony of 6,300 community doctors and specialists in general medicine, from the Poliedro de Caracas, where he has issued diplomas to the most outstanding students, that "it's worth fighting and giving everything for the country when you see this young person who after six years of graduation."

He recalls that In 2003 began the construction of an integrated public health system, such as Barrio Adentro, which was founded with the Cuban medical mission to provide preventive and family health.

"We have begun to walk on a path of progress … Without a doubt, Come uela has a powerful system, but there is still much to be done to have a functional integrated system of the highest professional, scientific and technical quality. We can not just say that because a capitalist country like Colombia does not have it, we are already in heaven.There is still a long way to go to achieve the health goals that our people deserve and they need, "he added.

In this regard, he asked "a full day of national consultation of the transformation of the Venezuelan health system, to improve Barrio Adentro 1 Barrio Adentro 2 and Barrio Adentro 3, and to address definitively the question of hospitals in the country with a modernization plan.I want to do it soon.I think it's one of the priority plans of the country. "

" This is not for a month, two months, it is for the moment.We need a revolution in the revolution of health systems created for the people and to increase the investment in the working conditions, the life, in work teams, "he said

. One of the graduates and asked that a meeting be held next Monday to review the overall plan for jobs, salaries, housing and support at all levels for community doctors.

In that order, he raised special plan for housing to all these professionals, "immediately and gradually this year and the next, but that this order is fulfilled."

The president proposed as a goal for the year 2025 the graduation of 100 thousand complete doctors "so that there are doctors and specialists in every corner of Venezuela.

He called for a day for boys who graduate in high schools, at least 50,000, is included Orporen in community medicine studies this year

Questioned private medicine "considered a commodity and not as a life, not as a right ", as opposed to community medicine" which has health as a human right ". ] "What we are today and what will be the future of the integrated public health system and what would Venezuela be like it was definitely falling into the hands of the US? empire and imposed a mercantilist vision that completely and absolutely denied the right of I am aware that there is still much to be done and that we must do all this together, but that is how we will progress in a system of 21st century that will not be lacking at all levels, "said the president 19659002] Great challenges." Graduate Carli Escalante, on behalf of the new professionals, said that "great challenges come with great triumphs." [19659002] "Economic war, financial blockade and imperial interference exist and our firm response to these actions that claim to kneel is this: study, work and answer the call. launched by our country, "he said. [ad_2]
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