Maduro congratulates the Nicaraguan people for the 35th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution


Maria Duarte .- The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros congratulated the people of Nicaragua for the 39 years of the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution " We congratulate the heroic Nicaraguan people on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista People's Revolution that ended 40 years of dictatorship. Today, before imperial aggression, the Nicaraguan government has defeated the terrorist plan and the coup d'etat. We will win! "

On July 19, but in 1979, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (1945-19003) FSLN put an end to the Samokist dictatorship, which prevailed in the nation for nearly half a century. century, and He assumed the responsibilities of the Government the National Reconstruction Council of the Government, said Telesur

To celebrate this anniversary, the Vice President of Nigaragua, Rosario Murillo called the citizens and each of the municipalities that has the country to celebrate and commemorate this victory en route

" We go for more victories, from the hand of God for his glory, times of victories, by the grace of God and for his glory " , expressed the national executive.] It is expected that this Thursday a central ceremony will be held in honor of this date, at the Plaza de la Fe, in Managua (capital city).

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