Maduro hailed the performance of our Golden Generation in Central America – Correo del Orinoco


The Head of State reiterated his commitment to optimizing the Venezuelan public health system after receiving the proposals of the National Congress of Revolutionary Health


The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro , yesterday eased the work that the Venezuelan team has developed in the XXXIII Games of Central America and the Caribbean taking place in Barranquilla, Colombia. "Our generation of gold continues to reap great victories for our homeland." Congratulations! ", The President wrote on Twitter

He issued a press release dedicated to weightlifter Jesús González, l & # 39; 39, one of the Venezuelan athletes who excelled in these competitions.

"El Trompo González, a passion that becomes a success" is the title of the article, which mentions his victories in weightlifting and in which Jesús González himself says that he does not rest in his everyday life and that in the next few years he more desire, discipline and love to always get the best results for Venezuela.

At age 11, this young man started his passion for the weights and conquered iconic triumphs such as the South American Championship held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, June of this year, when he won the gold medal, and the Pan American Qualification Championship in the Dominican Republic, where he acquired two silver and one bronze medals.

Venezuela The South American Games and Barranquilla Caribbean 2018 with a delegation of 467 athletes, led by Robeilys Peinado, in 30 sports disciplines. 36 that this competition contemplates, and will seek in 10 of them for the Panamerican Games 2019 in Lima, Peru: athletics, baseball, bowling, cycling, horse riding, karate, wrestling, modern pentathlon, racquetball and sports shooting. He also participates in skating, diving, soccer, artistic gymnastics, bodybuilding, swimming, softball and rowing. Up to now, our athletes have got 23 medals: five gold, eight silver and ten bronze medals


Similarly , the head of state reaffirmed the support of the Bolivarian government culture with the intention of promoting the dreams and goals of Venezuelan youth according to the prosperity of the country.

Inspired by the appearance of the young dancer María Laura Moreno, 17, member of the Teresa Carreño Youth Ballet. , published by the Presidential Press, the head of state wrote on Twitter: "The art and culture have our support." María Laura Moreno is part of this youth that fights and believes in the world. prosperous future of Venezuela Together, everything is possible! "

With the message Maduro has disclosed the special dedicated to Moreno, which tells his passion for dance, to which he devotes himself body and soul," meeting the requirements of his Professor, who He has more than 50 years of experience in teaching and training great stars of Venezuelan ballet. "It is Guillermo González, the text emphasizes.

Laura Moreno appreciates that the Bolivarian government promotes artistic plans that promote the growth of young people.
While her teacher, Guillermo González, defines her as a very clever, thoughtful, organized girl in her work: "It's a girl who listens to the advice she's very humble about." that artists must be to be great stars of ballet. "


The National President also reiterated his commitment to optimize the country's public health system through new formulas that will respond" Doing the new thing, we will achieve the profound transformation of the hospital system, with the resolution of problems such as providing supplies, drugs and perfecting the loving attention to all our patients. offensive for the health of our people! ", he said.

He also emphasized the need to create the best health system in the world with the proposals that are generated in the National Congress of Revolutionary Health. "With the National Congress of Revolutionary Health and investments for the procurement of medicines and supplies for health centers, we will go forward in building the Integrated Health System." The message He accompanied him with a video in which he recognizes the efforts of all Venezuelans who, despite a problem, are able to confront them and seek solutions. "I believe more in the collective intellectual who fights every day with a smile and firmness to go forward," he said, also calling on the Venezuelan people "to seek the way to Venezuela from 2025 and beyond ". / CO-Presidential Press Office
F / Presidential Press

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