Maduro has approved more than 120 million euros to reactivate the public health system


Caracas .- The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, approved this Saturday more than 120 million euros to import drugs and supplies to recover the public health system, which he said , was seen affected by the "economic blockade" exerted by foreign powers against the country.

These resources were approved by the head of state, after holding a meeting with senior officials of the National Public Health System of Miraflores Palace in Caracas, where Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez also participated.

During a transmission from the state channel, Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), the director general signed several documents to grant funds to improve the conditions of the sector. million bolivars and two million euros for the recovery of the Cardiological Hospital for Children of Latin America, located in Montalbán, Caracas.

He then approved a total of 6,721,000 euros for the purchase of supplies for the headquarters of the Venezuelan Social Security Institute (IVSS).

In turn, he allocated resources in the order of 28,824,000 euros for the acquisition of drugs for mass consumption, and 83 million dollars for high-cost drugs, used in treatment of cancer patients, transplant patients, HIV carriers and other chronic diseases.

Finally, he urged the IVSS authorities to coordinate their efforts on the third engine of the Bolivarian economic agenda "to meet the needs of the people".

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