Maduro: Sao Paulo Forum is the space for the emergence of new Latin American integration


Faced with the challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Sao Paulo Forum imposes itself as an emerging space for new Latin American integration, declared President of the Republic , Nicolás Maduro. the ground was prepared for the emergence of the integration of the new stage of the beautiful and brilliant Latin America that we lived, it was here in the Forum of Sao Paulo, where the ideas were born and the Bolivarian Alliance for Bear Peoples has become a reality in America (ALBA), the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and Petrocaribe, "said Maduro

From the Plenary Session of the XXIV Forum in Sao Paulo, held in Havana, Cuba, called on Latin American and Caribbean peoples not to pave the way for" domination and hegemonies "of the North American Empire through the neoliberal model.

At the same time, he called for progress and preserve conquests in the liberation and independence of the countries of this region. "It is a matter of considering the just cause that we defend and which opens the way to the expansion of the political, social, moral and spiritual forces of our people, "said the Venezuelan head of state

. the meeting through the forum is fundamental, which in this edition has managed to revitalize itself as a space for the articulation of progressive forces.

If it went back to the history of the forum, founded in the 1990s, "we would see the greatness of the revolutionary forces … reverse the most difficult situations of domination and absolute hegemony, and how it is from a decade of domination to a decade of awakening and resurrection of peoples, "said Maduro. AVN

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