Maduro supports voters in pushing forward legislation


February 3, 2019 1:40

The fiery verb of the president of the National Constituent Assembly was the spokesman for the arrival of Nicolás Maduro on the laid-out platform at the beginning of Avenida Bolívar in Caracas. After asking the people to prepare for the defense of the country, Diosdado Cabello assigned him the job. He arrived with binoculars and said, like Hugo Chávez: "Na 'guará, is lost sight of," a gesture that the deceased did once.

Bolivar Avenue from the pier seemed full, but with beige and red spots. The first were the militia who were present in large numbers; the seconds with their typical shirts of public sector employees.

There was no known Chavismo leader on the scene, but the bodyguards surrounding Maduro during his first outdoor performance after the UAV explosion at the same location were obvious.

Maduro's speech to the people gathered on the Avenue emphasized the remembrance of the inauguration of Hugo Chávez in 1999, on the figure of the late president and on the fact that they were the 20 most democratic years in the history of Venezuela.

Inspired by the words of Juan Guaidó at the presentation of the country plan, he assured that they had a plan that would allow them to dialogue when they wanted to define a national program. "I dare put the economy at the top of the list of priorities." A second point of his agenda says to have "peace and justice".

He asserted that he was willing to support the idea of ​​advancing the legislative elections, as proposed by the National Constituent Assembly. "You know the crisis that is in the National Assembly, the bourgeois legislative power.The voters have in their agenda the constitutional, historical and political assessments to advance the parliamentary elections this year, I am of agreement, "he said, according to Efe.

He also announced the incorporation of militiamen into the Bolivarian National Armed Forces in order to increase the number of soldiers in order to deal with what he called the "macabre plan" of Donald Trump. "Be available, especially young people, go to the conscription centers for them to be incorporated into the militias to the active soldiers of the Venezuelan army."

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