Maduro's Paquetazo, hunger and veiled dollarization


They must be loaned tanks, shotguns, buckshot and bullets . Not only to suppress the popular answer. They must also militarize society and the market, before the wild and criminal measures of Maduro.

Beyond the theoretical considerations on the economic logic of this dislate, it seems difficult that they can apply in peace a much more inhuman package than that of Miguelito Rodríguez, because of its social consequences. This, like all bipartisanship, does not answer. It is a brutal electroshock . But they seem willing to execute it anyway

This is a set of liberal measures that basically aim to restore the value form. Adjust prices to the real value of goods through the decree. In other words, prices will adjust to the dollar. Or the euro. From the price of products imported from one country or another. The yuan or rupee can play in this area. There is not enough wealth to satisfy social demand. Then the product must be imported. The price of the imported product must be sold at the international price . At the price that was canceled in the country of origin, to which we must add the transport and the costs to exchange it. A kilo of rice, say, in the United States on average 4 dollars. A dozen eggs $ 2.50. In Peru, rice costs about a dollar. In Chile 1.50. The parity that reaches the bolivar after elimination of controls will determine the prices in bolivars according to the parity determined by the market.

The essence will have a price that in the first exchange, it will also be dollarized. Inflation will lower its real price. Unless the government keeps increasing it. They propose a census of carriers. We anticipate a bigger disaster. The distribution of gasoline among people registered with the country map and people who refuse to have this social control chart will create more disorder. But it will also create a new branch of trade in goods subject to speculation. The oil tankers related to the army, police and collectives seem to be doing juicy business, as those who feed on CLAP bags .

The weakness of the sovereign Bolivar before being born, it brings us closer to a dollarized tariff regime . On the one hand, Maduro's offer to liberalize the foreign exchange market. Second, given the policy of importing the final goods established in the decree for these purposes. Meanwhile, no action will have positive effects to curb the hyperinflation . Let's locate that the anchor at the petro is an unknown that could leave the bolivar in limbo as an autonomous currency. There is no petrol market. There was a presale, but we did not do it, we know, only one petrol. Then, as a valuable title, there remains an abstraction. The expenditure budget is the comparison to produce money without support. This is how the government acts. In addition, there is no measure to increase production. Thus, without anchoring or GDP growth, inorganic silver will continue to be produced . Hyperinflation, seen this way, will continue its course
Hyperinflation, falling GDP and imports in free dollars lead to higher prices that will increase hunger.

The government and economists who make recommendations to stop hyperinflation and the economic crisis, do not take into account that the problem is to produce wealth . That the question must be settled on the supply side, that is to say that the conditions for the concentration of capital must be created. That material conditions must be created for the owners of means of production to be able to capitalize. This supposes a policy that stimulates the credit system for production. That the internal market must be saved for domestic production. In turn, this request must be created. Do not cancel the wages of the workers. In short, manufacture manufacturers. Especially the workers.

The New Deal, The New Deal was not an idea of ​​the Communists. The US state, acting as the ideal total capitalist, has taken steps in this direction. The danger of a social revolution led Roosevelt to take steps to get out of the depression that destroyed the economy between 1929 and 1933 in over 30% and, to a lesser extent, almost 50% of the fall of the economy. GDP. Roosevelt's policy was based on the change of banking policy. Creation of effective demand. Rise of production

The government's policy, as well as the recommendations of fetish economists, remind us of this statement by Marx: "… in general, the protectionist system is conservative today, while the A free exchange system is destructive, it corrupts old nationalities and pushes the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat to extremes.In a word, the free trade system accelerates the social revolution. And only in this revolutionary sense, I vote, gentlemen, in favor of free trade. " The fetish that emerges from liberal axiomatic monetarism solves nothing.This aggravates them.The measures that focus only on the removal of exchange controls and balanced budgets do not solve anything, if they do not accompany a policy of immediate economic growth. I expect production stimulation measures to be produced. In addition, the lifting of control measures must be gradual and in line with growth. Otherwise, the adverse effect on people will not wait.

The measurements are certainly crazy. We must ask who benefits. Advantages for Importers . This benefits speculators. It does not benefit workers.

We believe that the government will try to convince the percentage that still follows it. It's hard if we take into account the fact that they have been so disastrous that no one believes them anymore. Not even theirs. As much as there is irrationalism difficult, it is to hide the results that led to a famine tempered only by the surrender of emigrants .

The situation will become so explosive that we will approach a result The explosiveness generated by the measures must be channeled. The impetus for the national strike must have as a central slogan the change of government to rebuild the country. But, in turn must stop this package of more hunger

It is time to agree on a national reconstruction program that escapes the illogical liberal. We must start from the main thing, if the wealth is not produced, nothing is solved. We need to create the conditions for a debate in the middle of the fight against hungry packs of Maduro and his followers.

The opinions expressed in this section are entirely the responsibility of their authors . (Visited 31 times, 31 visits today)


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