Magellan won and split | Sports Manager


The electricians managed to take a tight showdown that was set with key successes in the last third of the match.

VICENTE VÁSQUEZ ANATO | CARACAS After losing the first match of the double bill, Navegantes fought back against Leones in the second match, winning 10-7 and separating at the university.

The electricians managed to take a close confrontation that was set with key successes in the last third of the game. However, it was the same buccaneers who broke the cellophane, after a double pilot of two by Luis Torrens in the first.

However, Caracas was quick to react, after hitting Harold Ramírez pulled a low the same gesture. Isaías Tejeda then sent a three-run circuit to turn the table.

But in the fifth Magellan, he rallied thanks to a doubling of Andrés Eloy Blanco and a dagger from Delmon Young. Locals came back to answer and refused to fall. They took over domain 7-5.

And although everything indicates that Leones would win, Alberth Martinez would approach the ship with a solitary rocket, which would then be supported by simple turbines of Rayder Ascanio and Ronny Cedeño, who sealed the triumph.

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