Major League Baseball will launch a video game developed with Ethereum blockchain technology


The Major League Baseball (MLB) of the United States will launch 'MLB Crypto Baseball', a video game of digital collectibles developed with the Ethereum blockchain. The project will be realized in collaboration with Lucid Sight, a video game developer specializing in blockchain technology

In the video game, which is a dApp or a decentralized application, players can pay with avatars ether in some classic moments of the season and can also sell and, in some cases, can get rewards and stickers.

The MLB was inspired by one of the most popular video games based on blockchain technology, "CryptoKitties", in which players can sell and redeem kittens, then pay for them in the game. ether. The video game was released in November 2017 and has generated $ 25 million to date.

Kenny Gersh, executive vice president of video games and new business experiences at MLB, said that the organization had already considered the idea of ​​accepting other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in other projects. In fact, they rejected certain initiatives before signing with LucidSight

"A long time ago we were talking about Bitcoin and if we had to accept it as a payment method on and d & # 39; other of our products.] Explained Gersh. "In the end, we decided that it was not our business, we are not in the speculative business. Our job is to bring baseball to people. So this game is a more interesting intersection between blockchain technology and what we do ".

" We were already in discussion with Lucid Sight at the time of the release of CryptoKitties " Gersh adds "Here CryptoKitties validated it in a certain way" The spokesman of the organization explained that the purpose of this initiative is to generate more commitment among users and their teams, given the decrease in attendance at stadiums of this past season.

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