Malala captured Marielle Franco's face in a favela in Rio de Janeiro


Female politician, black woman, bisexual and leftist, Councilor Marielle Franco was shot in the night of the 14th in the morning, with her driver, while she was driving in a vehicle on a street in the center of Rio, after taking part in a political act

Malala, the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, who won for her fight for women's rights, captured the image of Franco in the # 39; one of the walls of the community with the help of a jig of his face created by the artist Simone Siss to immortalize him after his murder.

The young Pakistani who will turn 21 this Thursday, wanted to meet in the favela a project led by the graffiti artist Panmela Cruz, the artistic world as Anarkia Boladona.

The artist won the 2010 Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards, in the category of human rights, the same price as three years later was given to Malala, ceremo

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Panmela, founder of the Nami Network, an NGO that seeks to increase women's empowerment over their rights through the urban arts, promotes several

One of these programs is "Graffiti of Maria da Penha Law", a project created in 2008 that uses graffiti and urban culture to combat violence against women. 19659003] Through this project, the artist seeks girls of African descent from different communities in Rio to know their rights and the Maria da Penha Law, a severe legislation aimed at combating domestic and gender-based violence that went into effect in 2006 Brazil

Although she does not know if Malala will help finance her project, she "was very impressed," said the artist.

"She was very impressed because she focuses on education, and here we educate girls and women in their rights."

Currently, in the favela, there is has more than 100 girls and teenagers in the graffiti workshop and the foundation also trains others in schools in different neighborhoods of Rio.

Without the presence of the press, in the middle of absolute secrecy and accompanied only by members of the project, Malala visited the streets of the favela and detailed many of the graffiti that were captured there by the girls and young people who "She spoke with the girls and asked them about the challenges of education, the artistic world that inspires them, and the violence that they experience every day," said Jlo Borges, program coordinator. in the favela.

Among the frescoes painted by the girls that Malala posed in front of the works of art that give life and color to the favela and also in front of his own image, a tribute of Panmela to this young defender of the rights Humanities feminine [19659003] On Monday, Malala announced at an event in which she participated in Sao Paulo that "very soon" will launch a "personal" project in Brazil to promote girls' education, although it is not the only one in the world. She did not give details According to the activist, who was shot by the Taliban at the age of 15 for defending women's right to education, it is estimated that this fundamental right is denied to some 1.5 million women in the country. South American giant.

Source: EFE

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