Manny is number 8 could not reach 13


"Amicuos Plato, sed magis amica veritas (Plato is my friend, but friend is the truth)" … Aristotle.-


Coral Gables, Florida (VIP WIRE). … Very strange that among Venezuelan football people there is not the enthusiasm to organize the Hall of Fame of this specialty . There are dozens of football players and leaders who deserve immortality. And I'm not just talking about this new batch of Red Wine and Co., but also Dos Caminos, San Bernardino and La Salle, who gave General Marcos Pérez Jiménez the idea of ​​building the football stadium. and athletics of Caracas … Alex Rodríguez publicly stated that Bryce Harper has upset many people because of his lack of aggression and enthusiasm in the games, but he used a much stronger term in English, "pissing off." A-Rod said on TV … "Harper hurts his value as a free agent, not to run between the basics, do not run after the stick, talk so much nonsense and hit so low in the first part of the season (average 214, 54 leads) ". If Bryce is signed in October, while he and his agent, Scott Boras, are yearning for $ 400 million for 10 seasons, Mike Trout is going to hire him for $ 600, Manny Machado for 500, like JD Martinez, when after the 2022 campaign is a free agent … I say, no? … Yesterday afternoon the six were presented to reporters who will be raised at the Hall of Fame Sunday 29th, Chipper Jones, Vladimir Guerrero, Jim Thome, Jack (The Cat ) Morris, Alan Trammell and Trevor Hoffman. … When David Concepción came to the Reds in 1970, and he asked for number 13 for his uniform, it caused a thrilling surprise. No one used this number in any sport in the United States, there were not 13 floors in the buildings, 13 seats in the planes, no lottery tickets ended in 13 and on Friday the 13th, few many people have come out. Now they are fighting for the 13th in Major League clubs, and there is news that Manny Machado can not wear it in his Dodgers uniform, even though the closest, Kenley Jansen, has offered a substantial tip to the Infilver Max Muncy. I abandoned it. Machado led the 13 on the back for seven seasons in Baltimore, but now there will be eight in Los Angeles. He said that he chose this number in tribute to Cal Ripken. Meanwhile, the new eight shirt is already on sale, through "Dodgers online souvenir shop". Those who call authentic cost $ 249.99, and those who imitate, 119.99. Something is something!

ATTENTION.- You can read all the recent file of "Juan Vené en la Pelota", if you enter on the Internet for "the sport comes back to unite us".

"Thanks to the life that has given me so much, even to a reader like you."

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