Manuel Rosales in front of the blackouts of electricity "Enough of improvisation and indolence!


Photo: Cocuyo Effect

In recent days, power outages in the state of Zulia have intensified and hundreds of household appliances have been rendered ineffective, among other damage, in homes from Zulia; why former presidential candidate Manuel Rosales has not hesitated to claim Corpoelec's inability.

Venezuela Edition Al Día

Rosales denounced that Tuesday, July 10, the electrical service disappeared in several municipalities of Zulia and almost 24 hours later, the corresponding agency had not given any concrete solutions.

"The inefficiency and inability of Corpoelec caused Venezuela's suffering from blackouts, fluctuations and a derisory time line." Exclaims party founder One Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), through his Twitter account.

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After two years of inefficiency in this sector and three days of failure followed On Thursday, Rosales argued that the underlying problem in Zulia – and that the government wants to hide – is "the sharp deterioration of thermal power plants due to lack of maintenance and investment and the prank of the day. install used and obsolete plants that have never ignited, "he said.

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