"Maria Corina is a cat and her mother and her family are damned" (Second Audio)


Dip. José Brito: "Maria Corina is a cat and a mother and her family is doomed" (Second Audio)

After arousing a controversial rejection of the Venezuelan society for the audio broadcast in the national scoop of the newspaper Mundo Oriental and La Noticia de Oriente; where the deputy José Brito speaks grotesquely and misogeneously against the leader of the opposition María Corina Machado. In our newsroom, we received a second audio recording in which the deputy released opposition leader María Corina Machado and her family … Here is the textual text of opposition MP José Brito: "I know , dear Amiga, that you are not blue blood … it's a ground leg like mine, that we train our children … Nojoda, throwing a ball and from below Pa & # 39 and at least I take my blood and blue is not, by the way … Those with blue blood I would like to tell you, they have an excess of iron … It's a disease by the way, I do not know if they have been revised, and if you doubt what I tell you, I will put what your other nail and curruña the other journalist Elonora Bruzual: that a newly dressed or newly dressed person can not make politics only the rich of the cradle, only the blue blood are the ones who can be in politics, those who are called to drive in this country, Nojoda Como Nosotros? Black like me! Bad hair I'm going to do it Parsa … to this pussy and to this mother that the family, is a damn family that of the Guipuzcoana society are plundering this country or that the father of Maria the quebraita was not the president from the electricity of Caracas who looted this rooster, what happens is that there are people with brief memories, I do not have short memory and what I have not lived for reasons of age, because I am still young while I am already on the path of the fifty nojoda, which I did not live, I read and look for the history so do not come to take this pod … Those who have hambren (The love of the valley) Hit the glove in power that's why I'm going to face where I have to face here and in Beijing because is a pervert for politics in Venezuela "… So culminated the second audio recording of the opposition MP and member of the Primero Justicia National Directorate …

To listen to the audio, visit our instagram @diariomundooriental

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