Maria Gabriela de Faría gives a blow to Norkys Batista


CARACAS. Maria Gabriela de Faría is one of the actresses who has the lowest profile in her social networks, but when she decides to give something to talk, she makes more people tremble.

On this occasion, she used her social networks to send the message to Norkys Batista, although he did not name her a few words, after she was heavily criticized for having supported animal abuse after attending bullfighting in Spain.

Although in her defense Norkys Batista she argued that she simply witnessed to know some of the Spanish culture, her arguments have not finished convincing netizens, including María Gabriela de Faría , who invited her to have a certain level of consistency and responsibility with the content published in their social networks not only to have four million followers but also for her son.

"To say that we do not participate in animal abuse when we pay to see a bullfight alleging that we have never been and that we did not know what it was, not only leaves us as liars and bad people but also stupid (since the stupid word is so fashionable and so slightly used), "he said.

"Spain has endless cultural activities that fill its citizens with pride and attract millions of tourists, bullfights are not part of this list," said María Gabriela

. attitude that Batista took with people who, in one way or another, caught his eye, the arrogant and misguided caller. Added to that, insulting those who call us denotes arrogance and lack of education.The inability to bear our mistakes is probably one of the most complicated mistakes we have in the world. as human beings, "he said:" let's show less ass and more brain, less insults and more empathy, less ignorance and more heart, "

It should be noted that this is not the first time that criolla has criticized one of its compatriots for having witnessed this kind of events

A few months ago she did the same with Osman Aray, animator of the celebrity Vida, when he attended the bullfights in the bullring of Mérida.

"With all the respect I have always had, I ask you to look online at what this event really means for a living being, and I invite you to think better about the example we are giving. in our social networks and to realize the influence that, without knowing it, we can have on people.A hug, Gaby, "he said.

Source: Ronda Magazine

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