Massive protests are prepared after Trump's visit to the United Kingdom | news


Next Thursday, US President Donald Trump will arrive in the United Kingdom, which is why several demonstrations were prepared during his visit.

For this reason, British police take preventive measures to control what should be

Among the scheduled meetings during his visit, Trump will meet British Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II.

Since the announcement of the US President's visit, several protests in England. These mobilizations have increased over the days, so we expect that the mobilization of June 13 is massive.

local media report, since the riots of 2011, there have been no deployment of safety and prevention measures, where they have mobilized a large number of officials, including firefighters, units anti-terrorist police, state police and dogs.The approximate number is about four thousand security guards.

Police chiefs express their concern to contain demonstrations throughout the United Kingdom during the two-day official visit.

The United States Embassy in the United Kingdom warned Tuesday through its website The protests this week could be "violent".

Trump and his wife Melania will be greeted by May at the Blenheim Estate in Oxfordshire.

Friday night they will fly to Scotland. many protests, both in Glasgow and Edinburgh

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