Mayor of Machiques day of vaccination and delivery of drugs 0800-SALUDYA


Mayor of Machiques makes the day of the vaccination and the delivery of drugs 0800-SALUDYA

The Mayor of Machiques organized a day of vaccination and delivery of medicines donated through the SALOOA 0800- to 120 citizens, in addition to the delivery of Clap bags to people in status from vulnerab ilidad .

Mayor Betty Zuleta ] reported that the strategic program of social protection was also deployed with the delivery of [19659005 years of disability ( m uletas, canes and walkers).

"This day that we realized at the Children's Park together with the national and regional governments and had the participation of the Social Development Department, El [19659005] M ovimento We are Venezuela, Misión Barrio Adentro, Frente Francisco de Miranda, II Hospital Nuestra Señora del Carmen and El I National Institute of Nutrition ", has he commented .. Zuleta reported in addition that 450 doses of GLUCANTIME were given for the [19659005] parasitic control leishmania among the Sierra de Perijá.They are confronted with a set of zoonoses and anthroponoses caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania that protect ethnic groups against cutaneous ulcers that heal spontaneously , but also against d & # 39; other more malignant and fatal diseases that cause severe inflammation of the liver and spleen.

"A tended mos 48 adults injected the respective dose of protection against hepatitis and to xoid ] diphtheria and 34 children and adolescents in the ages between 6 to 15 years old, whom I protected mos against measles, blond and ] to ] oide Diphtheria While 4 n children aged 1 to 5 years received doses of oral poliovirus pentavalent, measles and p [19659004] Injection olio IPV [1965] 9005] "confirmed .

The local president said that will maintain the deployment of these days throughout the length and breadth of the Municipality of Machiques for the purpose to attend in time the demands of the people P erijanero . [ad_2]
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